Defining how much money you will have to start forex trading for a living is a complex process and there is no shortcuts exist. The main and most deadly mistake that traders make in choosing to go “full-time” is under-capitalization. This will be your “patient zero” of faults, which will spawn all others. It’s important to remember that the number of money traders available to them will significantly affect their ability to succeed in forex trading . Forex trading won’t take your $10,000 trading account and convert it into $1 million. The amount that we can gain is calculated more by the amount of money that we risk than by how effective our strategy is. The old phrase: “It takes money to make money” is a specific one that involves forex trading. But it doesn’t mean this endeavor isn’t worthwhile. However, there are a lot of successful Forex traders out there that trade for living life. The difference is that, over time, they have grown steadily and increased their account amount...